
Monitoring cognitive change in multiple sclerosis using a computerized cognitive battery

Authors: L De Meijer, D Merlo, O Skibina, E J Grobbee, J Gale, J Haartsen, P Maruff, D Darby, H Butzkueven, A Van der Walt

Journal: Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental Translational and Clinical

Year Published: 2018

Background Cognitive monitoring that can detect short-term change in multiple sclerosis is challenging. Computerized cognitive batteries such as the CogState Brief Battery can rapidly assess commonly affected cognitive domains. Objectives The purpose of this study was […]

Older Black Adults’ Satisfaction and Anxiety Levels After Completing Alternative Versus Traditional Cognitive Batteries

Authors: Alyssa A Gamaldo, Shyuan Ching Tan, Angie L Sardina, Carolyn Henzi, Rosalyn Guest, Lesley A Ross, Kurtis Willingham, Alan B Zonderman, Ross A Andel

Journal: The Journals of Gerontology: Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences

Year Published: 2018

Objective The objective of this study was to examine satisfaction, test anxiety, and performance using computer-based cognitive batteries versus a paper-and-pencil neuropsychological battery among older Blacks. Method Self-identified Black adults (n = 87, age range: 55-86; […]

Cognitive Deficits Characterization Using the CogState Research Battery in First-Episode Psychosis Patients

Authors: Audrey Benoit, Ashok K Malla, Srividya N Iyer, Ridha Joober, Louis Bherer, Martin Lepage

Journal: Schizophrenia Research: Cognition

Year Published: 2015

The computer-based CogState Research Battery (CSRB) proposes a test structure which follows MATRICS recommended cognitive domains but lacks direct comparison to pen and paper batteries in first-episode psychosis (FEP). The aim of this study was to […]

A comparison of the CogState Schizophrenia Battery and the Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS) Battery in assessing cognitive impairment in chronic schizophrenia

Authors: Robert H Pietrzak, James Olver, Trevor Norman, Danijela Piskulic, Paul Maruff, Peter J Snyder

Journal: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology

Year Published: 2009

This study examined the criterion and construct validity of a brief computerized cognitive test battery (CogState Schizophrenia Battery) compared to a conventional cognitive test battery recommended by the Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in […]

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