Healthcare Cognitive Screening

The brain is central to every aspect of our lives, yet it isn’t monitored with the same consistency and proactivity as other vital signs. Healthcare systems and patients need reliable tools to track and treat cognitive decline. As one example, in Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline can begin 20 years before symptoms start––making early tracking of cognitive health imperative.

Cogstate supports the development and implementation of innovative solutions to meet growing healthcare system needs. Backed by technology, key partnerships, and decades of scientific findings, we are working to reduce the burden on patients and providers and improve the measurement and treatment of cognitive decline across the continuum of care.

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Cognitive Tools and Services Throughout the Patient Journey

Improving patient outcomes requires a holistic approach to brain health measurement, diagnosis, and treatment. Stakeholders at each stage of the patient journey need unique solutions that integrate seamlessly together to support patients getting the right interventions at the right time.

Patient-Led Brain Health Tracking | Lila

The Lila™ memory app is a science-backed, reliable, and user-friendly tool to measure brain health from the comfort of an individual’s own home. Lila can help monitor cognitive change overtime and provide valuable data for further assessment of cognition by providers, entry into clinical trials, or lifestyle adjustments.

Provider-Supported Cognitive Assessment | Cognigram

Cognigram™ is a simple and scientifically validated digital test system that allows healthcare professionals and primary care providers to assess and track patient cognition. Providers assign patients to take the digital tests at-home or in-clinic, minimizing provider burden. Results can then be used to support referrals or inform treatment plans.

The Cognigram system is powered by the Cogstate Brief Battery, which has been used in over 2,000 research studies around the world and cited in hundreds of peer-reviewed journal publications.

The Right Interventions at the Right Time

For 20+ years, Cogstate has provided cognitive assessment services in Alzheimer’s disease and other indications. Now, we’re expanding our offerings to support healthcare outcomes at each stage of the patient journey, from early tracking and monitoring to treatment of cognitive decline.

Establish a Baseline

Lila is an easy way to identify the first signs of decline.

Independent, patient-led monitoring with Lila establishes a baseline and tracks changes over time.

Addressing Cognitive Concerns

Cognigram is a patient-led tool to assess cognitive concerns.

Patients complete Cognigram before primary care appointments, as prompted by their primary care providers. Results are delivered to the provider before the appointment for review.

Diagnosis and Intervention

Innovative solutions support patients and providers.

Access to a network of neuropsychologists helps relieve specialist bottlenecks and accelerates diagnosis. Regular monitoring with Lila and Cognigram gives providers data needed to follow patients without adding burden.

How can we help you optimize the measurement of brain health?

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