executive functions

Correlation between the Cogstate computerized measure and WAIS-IV among birth cohort mothers

Authors: Eeva-Leena Kataja, Linnea Karlsson, Mimmi Tolvanen, Christine Parsons, Adrian Schembri, Hanna Kiiski-Mäki, Hasse Karlsson

Journal: Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology

Year Published: 2017

Objective: Large studies, with limited resources call for cost-effective cognitive assessment methods. Computerized tests offer viable alternatives but more data are needed on their functioning. Our aim was to evaluate the overlap between a computerized neuropsychological […]

Heart rate variability and cognitive function: Effects of physical effort

Authors: Caroline Di Bernardi Luft, Emílio Takase, David Darby

Journal: Biological Psychology

Year Published: 2009

This study investigated alterations in heart rate variability (HRV) and cognitive performance before and after physical effort, for 30 high-level track and field athletes (23 males and 7 females). Interbeat intervals were assessed at the baseline […]

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