Computerized neuropsychological assessment devices in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review
Background: The proliferation of computerized neuropsychological assessment devices (CNADs) for screening and monitoring cognitive impairment is increasing exponentially. Previous reviews of computerized tests for multiple sclerosis (MS) were primarily qualitative and did not rigorously compare CNADs […]
A Comparison of Four Computerized Neurocognitive Assessment Tools to a Traditional Neuropsychological Test Battery in Service Members with and without Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Objective: Computerized neurocognitive assessment tools (NCATS) are often used as a screening tool to identify cognitive deficits after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). However, differing methodology across studies renders it difficult to identify a consensus regarding […]
Convergent and criterion validity of the CogState computerized brief battery cognitive assessment in women with and without breast cancer
Objective: Computerized tests have increasingly garnered interest for assessing cognitive functioning due to their potential logistical and financial advantages over traditional ‘pencil and-paper’ neuropsychological tests. However, psychometric information is necessary to guide decisions about their clinical […]
Validation of the CogState battery for rapid neurocognitive assessment in Ugandan school age children
Background: CogState is a widely used computer-based cognitive test whose validity has not been addressed in resource poor settings. We examined the construct, concurrent and convergent validity of CogState, test-retest reliability and the effect of sociodemographic […]
Validity of a brief computerized cognitive screening test in dementia
Background: While preliminary evidence supports the criterion validity of the CogState computerized brief battery in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer disease (AD), definitive validation studies examining a wider range of dementia-related disorders relative to conventional […]