
Increased intraindividual variability (IIV) in reaction time is the earliest indicator of cognitive change in MS: A two-year observational study

Authors: Giuseppina Pilloni, T Charles Casper, Soe Mar, Jayne Ness, Teri Schreiner, Michael Waltz, Emmanuelle Wauban, Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, Yolanda Wheeler, Lauren Krupp , Leigh Charvet

Journal: International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

Year Published: 2024

Background: Cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis (MS) is common, but unpredictable, and increases with disease duration. As such, early detection of cognitive decline may improve the effectiveness of interventions. To that end, the Symbol Digit Modalities […]

Cognitive evolution in natalizumab-treated multiple sclerosis patients

Authors: Francois H Jacques, Brian T Harel, Adrian J Schembri, Chantal Paquette, Brigitte Bilodeau, Pawel Kalinowski, Reshmi Roy

Journal: Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental Translational and Clinical

Year Published: 2017

Background: Cognitive dysfunction affects up to 65% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and progresses over time. Natalizumab has been shown to be superior to placebo in preserving cognition for the first two years of therapy. Objectives: […]

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