pediatric mild traumatic brain injury

Investigating the diagnostic accuracy of a paper-and-pencil and a computerized cognitive test battery for pediatric mild traumatic brain injury

Authors: Veronik Sicard, David D Stephenson, Danielle C Hergert, Andrew B Dodd, Cidney R Robertson-Benta, Sharvani Pabbathi Reddy, Keith Owen Yeates, Jason A Cromer, Timothy B Meier, Richard A Campbell, John P Phillips, Robert E Sapien, Andrew R Mayer

Journal: Neuropsychology

Year Published: 2022

Objective: This study assessed classification accuracy of paper-and-pencil and computerized cognitive batteries at subacute (SA; 1-11 days) and early chronic (EC; ∼4 months) phases of pediatric mild traumatic brain injury (pmTBI). Two statistical approaches focused on […]

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