mild cognitive impairment

Relationship Between Endothelial Function, Vital Parameters, and Cognitive Performance in Community Dwellers with Subjective Cognitive Decline: An Observational Study with Six Months Follow Up

Authors: Johannes Sittig, Lena Pickert, Hannah Weigert, Joris Deelen, M Cristina Polidori, Gereon Nelles

Journal: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

Year Published: 2024

Background: With advancing age, cognitive decline is frequently associated with endothelial dysfunction, but data on vascular performance prior to the onset of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is scarce. Objective: To investigate the relationship between endothelial function, […]

Sensitivity of Individual and Composite Test Scores from the Cogstate Brief Battery to Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease

Authors: Joshua P White, Adrian Schembri, Carmen Prenn-Gologranc, Matej Ondrus, Stanislav Katina, Petr Novak, Yen Ying Lim, Chris Edgar, Paul Maruff

Journal: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease

Year Published: 2023

Background The Cogstate Brief Battery (CBB) is a computerized cognitive test battery used commonly to identify cognitive deficits related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, AD and normative samples used to understand the sensitivity of the CBB […]

Procedural learning, declarative learning, and working memory as predictors of learning the use of a memory compensation tool in persons with amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Authors: Liselotte De Wit, Shellie-Anne Levy, Andrea M Kurasz, Priscilla Amofa Sr, Brittany DeFeis, Deirdre O'Shea, Melanie J Chandler, Glenn E Smith

Journal: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

Year Published: 2022

Persons with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) are at risk for experiencing changes in their daily functioning due to their memory impairment. The Memory Support System (MSS), a compensatory calendaring system, was developed to support functional […]

Longitudinal Cognitive Decline in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease

Authors: Y Y Lim, J Kong, P Maruff, J Jaeger, E Huang, E Ratti

Journal: The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease

Year Published: 2022

Sensitive cognitive assessments accurately detect and track cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease. The Cogstate battery was used to measure cognitive change in cognitively normal participants and in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer’s disease […]

Utility of Diffusion Modeling of Cogstate Brief Battery Test Performance in Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment

Authors: Kyler Mulhauser, Bruno Giordani, Voyko Kavcic, L D Nicolas May, Arijit Bhaumik, Sarah Shair, Kristen Votruba

Journal: Assessment

Year Published: 2022

Cognitive testing data are essential to the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and computerized cognitive testing, such as the Cogstate Brief Battery, has proven helpful in efficiently identifying harbingers of dementia. This study provides a […]

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