autism spectrum disorder

Adaptive behavior in autism: Minimal clinically important differences on the Vineland‐II

Authors: C H Chatham, K I Taylor, T Charman, X Liogier D'ardhuy, E Eule, A Fedele, A Y Hardan, E Loth, L Murtagh, M Del Valle Rubido, A San Jose Caceres, J Sevigny, L Sikich, L Snyder, J E Tillmann, P E Ventola, K L Walton-Bowen, P P Wang, T Willgoss, F Bolognani

Journal: Autism Research

Year Published: 2018

Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is associated with persistent impairments in adaptive abilities across multiple domains. These social, personal, and communicative impairments become increasingly pronounced with development, and are present regardless of IQ. The Vineland Adaptive […]

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