The Influence of Binocular Vision Symptoms on Computerized Neurocognitive Testing of Adolescents With Concussion

February 3, 2021

Authors: Adam J Peiffer, James MacDonald, Drew Duerson, Gladys Mitchell, Andrew T E Hartwick, Catherine E McDaniel

Journal: Clinical Pediatrics

DOI: 10.1177/0009922820927477

Year Published: 2020

Binocular vision disorders are commonly found postconcussion and associated with high symptom burden. We investigated the relationship between binocular vision symptoms and neurocognitive test performance. Thirty-four adolescents with concussion and 18 without concussion were assessed for cognitive performance using the CogState Brief Battery. Binocular vision disorders were determined using clinical examination and vision symptoms with the Convergence Insufficiency Symptoms Survey (CISS). A cutoff CISS score of 13 had high predictive accuracy for identifying individuals with a binocular vision disorder. CogState scores for processing speed and attention were significantly lower in the concussion group compared with the control group. Within the concussion group, scores for attention, learning, and working memory were significantly lower in those with vision symptoms. The presence of vision symptoms did not significantly affect CogState scores within the control group. The presence of vision symptoms in individuals with concussion is associated with significantly reduced scores on individual components of the CogState.

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