To investigate the changes in activities and participation, and mental and physical functions for 9 mo after cardiac rehabilitation (CR) among adults with chronic cardiac conditions.
Twenty-five adults with chronic cardiac conditions scheduled for discharge from CR were assessed at four different times: within 2-wk window of CR discharge date, 1 mo, 3 mo, and 9 mo after CR discharge. Nine assessments according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health were used to track the changes post-CR.
Participants showed significant changes in the Cognitive Instrumental Activities of Daily Living adequacy of Performance Assessment of Self-Care Skills-Clinic (F = 8.10, P = .017) and improvements in the applied cognitive domain of the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care Outpatient Short Form (F = 4.493, P = .016). Participants also showed significant decline in the CogState Detection test (F = 3.307, P = .045), the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale (PALMS) (F = 4.749, P = .005), and the affiliation subscale of the PALMS (F = 5.316, P = .002), and improvements in the 6-min walk test (F = 9.000, P = .011). Lastly, participants showed depressive symptoms for 3 mo post-CR. No other significant changes were detected among other outcome measures.
Adults with chronic cardiac conditions discharged from site-based CR maintained their activity and participation level following discharge with little improvement. They also showed depressive symptoms and decreased motivation for physical activity post-CR.